Monday, July 14, 2008


Okay, so it's been almost 5 months since I've last posted. Obviously a lot of things can happen in that length of time. And unfortunately for me, some heavy things HAVE happened.

Let's see... I stopped my walking/running program, because, although thankfully I didn't injure myself, I felt that I was close to doing so. I also received a lot of "don't do them yet, since you're too heavy" recommendations from a lot of folks, so I stopped doing them.

It's ironic to think that you first have to lose weight to... lose weight. In any case... a few years ago I had started on this program at a "chain" called Quick Weight Loss Centers; it was quite a bit of money to get the program going, after all the "product" you had to buy (which mostly consists of bars, supplements, etc.), but what it boils down to is that you still eat your own food, based on portion control and how you space certain kinds of food.

Anyway, those years ago, I started at 265 lbs., and went down to 202 lbs. in a few months. Now, unfortunately, I was going through a painful time in my life, specifically in my marriage, so most of those pounds lost were due to the fact that I wasn't eating at all. And, even more unfortunate, once things started picking up a bit... so did my appetite, and so, slowly, but surely, I ballooned up, always wavering between 250 and 265 lbs. Now, granted, I was eating double cheeseburgers, ultimate cheeseburgers, pizza, triple cheeseburgers... and at LATE hours in the evening. So you get the drift.

So, a couple of months ago, I decided to try the program again, since it seemed to really work for me. And although my body hasn't responded as quickly as before, I started at 252, and, this morning, I weighed in at 225. Interesting change in digits. I'm looking forward to the next "decade", as I haven't seen the 'teens since 2000.

The program is based on weight loss (they guarantee you'll get to the weight you desire, as long as it's healthy and realistic, in the time they quote you), therefore I can't really exercise that much, lest it confuse the scale between true fat loss versus muscle gain.

But now that I'm much lighter, I can start the walking/running program, which should get me to my target weight that much sooner.

I'm planning on going this weekend to a running specialty store to get running shoes that match my gait, foot, supination, etc., because the shoes I currently have always make my left foot go absolutely numb (which is another reason I stopped walking/running).

My focus on this weight loss and eventual exercise routine is, as I may have mentioned before, the possibility of joining the military. And I need to hurry, because I'll be 34 come November, and time is running out for that.

Which brings me to another painful event. I'll be going through a divorce soon. And it's weirdly funny that I'm on the same program as I was when something similar and almost-divorce-causing happened. Everything seems to come full circle sometimes.

Anyhoo... I'm planning on starting my walk/run program on Monday again, so I'll use this log for accountability purposes, among other things.

So hopefully, whoever reads this, won't get too bored. In a few months I'm expecting to be able to detail my steps in joining the military, and see where we go from there.

Best to all, and God bless.