Saturday, October 11, 2008

Life and its suckiness

So before I delve too deeply into the matters of the suckiness of life... I'm one step closer to my Navy dream. I took the ASTB on Friday, and although I didn't do as well as I hoped (since I really wanted to have as much of a leg-up as possible due to many other things "against" me), I didn't do as bad as I feared.

I needed a minimum of 35 for the OAR score (used for Officer qualification in the Navy), and, out of a maximum of 80, I got a 54. Not bad, for being out of college (and out of practice) for more than 13 years. I could've also gone Pilot or Flight Officer (I'm too old for either, though), since I got a 6, 6 and 7 (out of a maximum of 9) from three other flight-related cores (not used for the other non-flight communities, except Intel, for which I needed a minimum of 3).

So all in all, and according to my recruiter as well, good scores, although not the "excellent" ones. So we'll wait and see.

Physical training is going well, albeit a little slower than I'd like, especially the weight loss itself. But it's getting there.

There's a lot of crap going on in my life right now, and although I have faith that it will all work out... it's tough getting there.

But my sister told me a great story, and I think it changed my mind a little about what I was going to write on here, and not "cry" about something that really is of trivial consequence in the grand scheme of things. Anyway, the story goes that a guy was walking down the street, and a rock landed next to him, kind of close. He paid no mind, and a bit later, another rock landed, this time even closer. He kept on walking. A third time, a rock hit him on the head. He yelled at the heavens, "WHY? WHY ME????"

And standing right before the guy, God appeared, with His arms outstretched, SURROUNDED by rocks and still being peletered by a rain of them. God said, "Are you okay? I think I may have missed some."