Monday, August 18, 2008

Continuation of the journey

So here I am again, a month later (from my last post). Not much has changed, including my weight! Which is annoying; I reported 225 lbs. last month, and this morning I weighed 221 lbs. Not too shabby, but since I'm doing the Quick Weight Loss Center Program... I didn't pay that exhorbitant amount of money they charge to NOT lose "quickly".

I've been sort of an anomaly at the center, because my weight is not responding as quickly as it should. I'm really hoping there's nothing more than meets the eye, healthwise, because I'm following the program to a "T".

Speaking of healthwise... I had started the "Couch to 5K" program from, and I was doing well on my first week, but for months I had been feeling this strange "tight" pain around my ankle, and although it wasn't hurting me while doing the walking/jogging program, I figured I should have it checked out, just to prevent any further injuries or obstacles to my ultimate goals.

So come to find out I have a bone spur, and my leg muscles are extremely tight (which sounds HOT, but it really is a bad thing), so I've been going to physical therapy to streth the muscles, the tendons, etc. So this put a temporary restraint on the running aspect.

According to the doc, I should be back to being able to return to my jogging after next week, when physical therapy ends. And knowing that I'll have to stretch every day for the rest of my life doesn't sound bad at all. At least I have a chance to prevent actual ankle surgery... that would NOT be a good thing.

So I also started the program, and although after the initial test, I started at Column 3... I couldn't finish the program all the way, so today I'll restart Week 1 using Column 2. That should inspire me to continue, as I'm sure I'll be able to make it through this time.

That leaves sit-ups. I'm waiting for the weight to go a little more down before I start anything.

As far as the divorce... although my feelings haven't changed much, we've sort of decided to at least wait 'til the end of the year; I'm going in neutral, neither negative nor positive, but... I can't force myself to feel any different. It's a long, complicated story, so don't judge. ;)

It does worry me, however, because bein married and leading a military life has all sorts of implications, up to Court Martials or losing one's commission, under certain circumstances, so... but I'm not letting myself get to far ahead here.

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