Monday, August 25, 2008

In my 'Teens again!

Holy moly, I'm in my teens again!

This morning, I weighed at 219.5... and although it's just half a pound (and with a digital scale, that may be even less) away from the 20's... well, it's still 2 pounds less than Friday.

Started the Couch to 5k program yesterday, and I can definitely feel my lighter body having an easier time of handling that stress. I got worried, since my heel pain came back this weekend... but I've found out the culprit.

If you've ever come back from work with your wrist/palm hurting from putting pressure on your desk while "mousing"... well, that's basically what happened with my heel; I played on my 360 and my PC for most of the weekend, and I realized I sit in a certain way, that puts pressure on my heel. So hopefully, since I'm conscious about that now, I'll try to avoid it.

On the Couch program, I started jogging at 5.5 mph, with the walking stages at 3.8 mph. However, after a few "laps" I started feeling a bit of a shin splint-like pain, so I did the rest of the 20 minutes at 5.2 mph and 3.5 mph, respectively, and I was able to come out of that shining.

What's interesting and good to know is that I have no problem with my breathing, but rather with the atrocious shape my legs are in regards to running... but they'll get there.

Since I recorded my program and speed changes on my treadmill, I'll do the same for the other 2 days of this week's running, and hopefully I'll notice less "stress" on my ankle/feet/shins as the week goes by, so I can maybe do the whole program next week at 5.5 or slightly faster.

I'm excited to begin Week 2 of the program. I breezed through Week 1, maxing out with nice numbers (though not incredibly high), so I'm hoping for the same experience this week.

At the end of this week is the next exhaustion test to see how many I can do without stopping, so I'm looking forward to that as well.

Here's to pushing hard, but not too hard!


Josh Ogren said...

Try a lower walking level speed, 3.0 or 2.5. 3.5-3.8 is a pretty fast walking pace for normal strides at your height.

Josh Ogren said...

I had a theory about the couch to 5k program and reusing it. After we finish the program we could use it again, except make our jogging pace of 5.5-6.0 our "walking level" and "running level" around 8.0-9.0(speed range I think for the APFT).

PS what week of couch to 5k are you on?

InfinitesimalPossibilities said...

First day of first week, the 60 sec jog, 90 sec. walk.

At 5.2 jog and 3.5 walk, I was able to do it with no problem.

And I think I like your idea! I also bought the Ultimate Basic Combat Training Handbook, or whatever. Cheap-looking book, but interesting info.

There, he recommends alternating (with a day of rest in between, as well) between a Speed Day and a Long-Run Day; for Long-Run, you just run thirty mins to an hour at any pace; for Speed... you use a little formula to help you get to your goal, and you run in bursts of 1/4 mile. Supposedly, it increases your speed and endurance.

To max out, you need to be doing 10 MPH for 2 mins. :(

Sarah said...

It's so great to see results...even if they're not my own... :) Congrats on the progress!