So, we were blessed, in that the only damage our house suffered was a blown-in window, which we're going to have to get repaired as soon as possible, and our fence is kind of broken in places... but all in all, we fared well, compared to some of our neighbors and the rest of Houston and, especially, the Galveston and Bolivar Peninsula areas.
My prayers are with them. Power came back up last night, and man, you don't know how much you miss something until you miss it.
But thank God we're all okay. Back at work today (where I'm at at the moment), so... things starting to come back to "normal", if there is such a thing.
Since Josh put up his "big step" post... well, I don't want to feel like a "traitor", since I started thinking of joining the Army first, but... I've actually gone a step further with the Navy. Last week, before the Hurricane hit, I went and spoke to an officer recruiter, filled out some paperwork...
Still need to do get to physical standards, need some other things, take the ASTB (their ASVAB), and then see what happens, since the communities (their "branches") I'm going for are the two toughest to get into.
One major difference is that you know what you'd be going in as before you even ship to OCS. So we'll see.
The Army still tugs at me, so I'm slightly torn. However, since the Navy only allows up to 35, and I'll be 34 in November, I figured I should at least try there first; if not, there is always the Army, because I still want to serve.
I've actually considered the NG as well, especially seeing what they've done during Hurricane Ike, and that is a great cause they do, to serve their close neighbors that way.
So I'm looking forward to Josh's updates, to get more info and the inside scoop on the NG!
Sad today :(
15 years ago
What are the two you are trying to get into for Navy?
Information Warfare and Intel. They have like a 4 to 7% acceptance rate.
Good luck. That also cements my reasons for not really looking into the Navy. IW was the only community I would be willing to attempt ship duty for.
It's good to keep your options open. If you spend time finding where you belong, you'll be a lot happier wherever you end up. Whatever you choose, it's all about serving. Good luck!
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