Thursday, September 25, 2008

An overdue update

Phew, it's been a while (well, not that long, but it just seems like an eternity in the blogosphere).

Let's see... weight-wise, I'm STILL 212, after all this time; I don't know what else to do. I mean, I'm running, doing push-ups, sit-ups, and watching what I eat... and nothing. Of course, if I eat a burger and fries just once, it balloons up at LEAST 2 pounds, if not up to 4, so that always sucks.

But hanging in there. I'll put here my results (so far) and my plans for next week.

And I really do need to talk about more than my little exercise plans... this IS a blog, after all... don't I have some unfathomably philosophical thoughts once in a while? Like, what I think about the economy, the political arena, life??? Maybe... hehehe. Maybe next update will be something new.

So here is this week:

* Couch-to-5K, Week 5, Day 1: this was a very interesting change of pace. I'm starting to enjoy it, but it still gets hard and boring. I think I'm gonna have to start listening to some tunes.

* Hundredpushups, Week 1, Day 1, Column 3: YES, I went BACK to Week 1... the plan has been changed for all the weeks, which may explain why I was having so much trouble with Week 3, the exhaustion tests didn't really place me in the right column, etc. So I'd feel better if I re-start the program and breeze through the levels. :) I maxxed out at 18 at the last level, so pretty stoked about that.

* Sit-ups: Did 1 set of 20, rest, then a set of 10, and I had to stop because my tailbone was bothering me, since I didn't use any support, and I gave up. :) I will use a soft pad next time, but I think I'll try to do as many sets of 20, with rests in between, as I can before fatiguing.

* Couch-to-5K, Week 5, Day 2: PHEW! Almost didn't make that one, especially the last 8 minutes. I REALLY don't know how I'm going to be able to pull off the 20 minutes on Friday!!!

Today I plan on doing Day 2, Week 1, Column 3 of push-ups, and don't expect it to be trouble. :) I also plan on doing the sit-ups thing (well, curl-ups, since I'm training Navy-style), and see where that goes, with a soft pad/mat this time!

* The crazy 20 minutes of jogging non-stop for the first time... I'm REALLY going to need some tunes to take me through it, especially since I'm training on a treadmill, and it gets BORING. I've managed to get through the other running days by praying an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be over and over until the treadmill beeps. :)

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