Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Weekly Update

Sorry for the delay, but here's an update and my planned schedule for the week:

Weight as of today: 215.5 lbs

Sunday I did the second test for the Hundred Push-ups to see where I'd start on Week 3, and I maxxed out at 25, almost 26; which put me on column 2 of Week 3, but I could tell by the fact that I couldn't finish level 2 (15 push-ups) without resting, that I should've picked column 1.

The same thing happened with the first week; I don't think the exhaustion test really fits with the column you're supposed to follow, at least for me.

So, I'll try to finish Week 3 in column 2, without pushing myself too hard (since I don't want to cause any damage), and what I'll probably end up doing is... well, re-doing Week 3 with Column 2, at which point, it should be a breeze.

So, to re-cap from the "beginning" of this week for me:

* Push-up exhaustion test: Maxxed out at 25
* Week 2, Day 1 of Couch to 5k: jogging at 5.5 mph, and walking at 3.2 mph (seemed to be easy on my feet, tendons, etc., and the jogging really felt very smooth)

* Week 3, Column 2, Day 1 of Hundred Push-ups (fatigued at the beginning of Level 3 :( )

* Week 2, Day 2 of Couch to 5k: 5.5 and 3.2

* Week 3, Column 2, Day 2 of Hundred Push-ups

* Week 2, Day 3 of Couch to 5k: 5.5 and 3.2

* Week 3, Column 2, Day 3 of Hundred Push-ups


I realize that nowhere in there do I have sit-ups planned. I'll probably end up waiting for next week so that I can do them together with the push-ups, but I should start as soon as possible.

Too bad I haven't found a good sit-up exercise routine that shows me the results I've been getting with the Hundred Push-ups... and I haven't tried to use a similar approach.

Things seem to be going great; now, if only I could sell the house, find a new place, settle my debt, figure out what's going to happen to my marriage and on, and on, and on. :D

Good luck to y'all, my readers (all 2 of them, but they're MY readers ;) ).


Sarah said...

Much happier post than last week. :) Nice weight! Looks like things (at least in the weight-loss department) are back on a roll for you! I've been having an okay week, not great, but oh well. It is a great help to have MY two readers for support! :) At least when my week sucks I can see you guys doing well.

Josh Ogren said...

I was trolling military.com's fitness section after a recommendation from a friend in ARNG and found an interesting way to work situps into the routine. Between each part of your work out, drop down and do 10-25(depending on how many things your do in your workout). Also once you finish the couch to 5k program and begin interval training for speed you can work them in. Do a 1/4 at your goal speed, then drop and do the situps, rinse repeat till for 2 or 3 miles. As you get longer intervals, add more situps to make up for the lower number of sets.

Sarah said...

Just checking in...haven't heard from you in a while. How are things going for you?